

Popdance Kids parties are one of the simplest ways to get started with Popdance.





The parties are popular

Simple to deliver

And simple to market 🙂


So how do you get started?


Well, first people need to know that you offer parties – so make sure they are featured on your Popdance page on the main Popdance website.


Have a google around to see what kind of prices other party providers are charging in your area and see what you want to charge.  Don’t forget to include £15 for invitations and a Popdance PE Kit bag including postage and packaging from the POPShop.


PDK PARTIESNext, get a bespoke party flyer from the POPShop – it’s just £5 to have your details on the flyer and we then send you a pdf and jpg which you can use to email out and feature on the web.


Email the pdf to all your friends and family and ask them to email to their friends and families etc.



Feature the jpg in relevant facebook groups such as “activities for kids in Hertfordshire (obviously use your own county or town etc.), St Albans Mums, St Albans Parents Network, etc.  BUT REMEMBER do not just post your “ad” and leave – social media requires etiquette and nobody likes a “salesperson” – engaging with groups and people makes a massive difference, so do introduce yourself and perhaps say something along these lines:


Hi everyone, my name is Sue and I love dancing – if your child loves pop music, then they are going to love Popdance Birthday Parties – dance like your favourite pop star – get in touch if you would like more details – thanks


Post your parties on websites such as NetMums, MumsNet, and google any party websites to see what they are like and whether you can feature your details on them.


You may also want to get in touch with your local leisure centres to see if they would like to offer Popdance parties as part of their party schedule – they could then simply pay you an hourly rate to come in and deliver them 🙂


photo (8)Once you have your first party booked in, you may want to purchase badges, or pens etc. from the PopShop to hand out at the end of the party – these have the web address on them and may encourage others to book a party with you (you could always ask if you can have leaflets or magnets at the party if anyone asks for your details).


When you get your first enquiry/booking – check out the “check list” of the procedures we follow with confirmations, emailing the track list and taking the booking – you can do your own thing, of course, but we find that our procedure works really well and gives customers fantastic customer service – this can be found under “how to” in the top nav, “parties”, “Popdance Kids parties”.


Remember – marketing isn’t just one thing – it’s a series of marketing tools that get you front of mind – being seen to be helpful, showing the benefits of what you offer and being consistent, i.e. post at different times of the day, on different days, not too much and not in every group you find at the same time, getting the mix right is important.


You can do it!  Give us a shout if you need any help.


Sue and The Popdance Team


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